The Great Big Book of Families

Check it here: (affiliate link) This book is a great start to teach our children about tolerance, start from family. It’s not a book about a child who has big family members nor a book which has plot or story. This book reveals about many kinds of different families. None of them is bad…

Bitte Anstellen (Line Up, Please!)

Flipper fell in love at the first sight with this book of Tomoko Ohmura as she saw it in a local library and put it by herself into our ‘borrowing bag’. No wonder, her fave animals are on the cover. And I fell in love with this book too as I read it. A short,…

Buku Anak-Anak ‘Indahnya Negeriku’

Waktu di Frankfurt Book fair kemarin, saya membeli beberapa buku anak-anak berbahasa Indonesia buat si Flipper, salah satunya adalah buku ‘Indahnya Negeriku’ – Berpetualangan bersama Ella dan Eza dari penulis Fitri Kurniawan dan Watik Ideo (Penerbit: Bhuana Ilmu Populer). Buku yang rupanya bilingual ini (Indonesia dan Inggris), mengisahkan tentang dua kakak beradik Ella dan Eza…